Employment Law Advice Brighton – for sound and practical advice on employment law, redundancy and employment rights
Employment Law advice for Employers
Our employment lawyers firmly believe prevention is better than cure. Employment law remains one of the fastest changing areas of law and can prove a costly area for mistakes, which means accurate and up-to-date employment law advice is essential to protect your business.
From our Brighton office, we advise sole traders, SME’s and large corporations on their employment law needs covering a significant range of disciplines, professions and industries.
We offer a free initial employment law assessment. This can be arranged by appointment by calling 01273 662750.
To ensure you have in place the processes and procedures you need for a successful and efficient business, we offer a comprehensive range of employment contracts, company handbooks and internal employment policies which include for example:
- Disciplinary and Grievance procedures, Social Media policies, Equality and Diversity policies, Pregnancy and Maternity policies, Data Protection policies, Sickness and Absence policies and Flexible Working advice.
We also provide:
- Advice for the best recruitment practices to ensure you employ the right person for your business at the outset.
- Contracts of Employment to reflect the employee’s role in your business which may, amongst other things, include appropriate post termination restrictions and confidentiality clauses to protect your business.
- Variation of Contracts to reflect changing working practices.
- Settlement Agreements, negotiating the best possible severance package or financial settlement.
- Advice relating to individual redundancies and large scale redundancies and TUPE.
- Advice regarding the termination of employees and confidentiality clauses to protect your business.
- Advice on protecting your business from unfair dismissal claims.
- Advice on implementing internal procedures both generically and in specific circumstances.
- Advice in relation to ‘trouble shooting’ and management of employees to avoid and minimise the risk of any potential grievances, that may lead to costly claims being made against you by both your existing and/or former employees, or staff.
Employment Law advice for Employees
For disputes which are unable to be resolved from initial pre-termination discussions we can, if necessary, take cases to Tribunal for:
- Unfair or wrongful dismissal.
- Constructive unfair dismissal.
- Discrimination based on age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation.
We also advise upon:
- Outstanding notice and unpaid holiday.
- Redundancy packages and procedures.
- Disciplinary and grievance meetings.
- Flexible working requests and advice relating to parental leave.
- Injuries sustained at work.
- Settlement agreements and helping you to achieve the best possible severance package.
- Whistleblowing.
We can offer funding in certain circumstances through ‘no win-no fee’ arrangements.

Yasmin Govan Salaried Partner
For more information on Employment Law please contact our experienced team Brian Donnan and Yasmin Govan on 01273 662750.