01273 662 750

Anna Glenton

Photo of Anna Glenton Solicitor Family law department Brighton

Anna Glenton



01273 662750

Anna Glenton was educated at Walthamstow Hall School, Sevenoaks and studied law at the University of Bristol. She has several postgraduate degrees including an MA in Socio-Legal Studies (Children) and does some part-time lecturing in law and legal practice. She began her legal career in 1984 in the East Midlands. After living in China in the early 1990s, she worked as a lecturer and as a solicitor in Yorkshire, before moving to Sussex in 2007.

Anna is a Resolution accredited specialist and a collaborative lawyer.

Her areas of specialism are:

  • divorce and matrimonial including financial and property matters
  • collaborative law
  • children cases, including adoption and special guardianship
  • cohabitee disputes
  • claims under Trust of Land and Appointment of Trustees Act 1996
  • employment
  • claims under the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975
  • Inheritance Act claims and contentious probate
  • civil litigation