01273 662 750

Wills, Trusts and Probate

Wills trusts and probate fixed fee quote

We have a thriving Wills, Trusts and Probate Department giving you peace of mind and expert advice when making inheritance plans for your family and loved ones. With the ever-increasing complexities of modern life, ensuring clear instructions are left for the dispersal and protection of your assets has never been more important.

Wills and Estate Planning

A professionally drafted Will is vital to ensure your assets are passed to your intended beneficiaries without causing additional distress and complications for those you leave behind.

Our wills are prepared quickly and efficiently at competitive rates and often for a fixed fee. Further information on our costs can be found here.


We provide a sympathetic, personal and efficient approach to administering estates at a time when you need as few extra complications as possible. Our objective is to sort out the assets of an estate, settle any taxation issues, debts and expenses due, and ensure beneficiaries receive their legacies as quickly as possible.

Lasting Powers of Attorney and Court of Protection

A Lasting Power of Attorney is an important document, which means a person is appointed to look after your financial affairs and welfare if you become incapable of dealing with them yourself, maybe as a result of an accident or medical condition.

If you don’t have a Lasting Power of Attorney and you do lose the capacity to make your own decisions, the costs and delays involved in appointing someone to look after your affairs at that time can be considerable as well as distressing.


We can advise on and prepare a range of trusts designed to protect and preserve assets, to mitigate tax and to protect vulnerable beneficiaries, including life-interest, discretionary and Personal Injury (Compensation Protection) Trusts. We also act as Trustees and advise Trustees as to their duties and responsibilities.

Local Charities

We take our position within the communities in which we live and work seriously, and promote and work with charities like local homeless and Age UK both as a team and as individuals.

Our office is located in central Brighton opposite Brighton Pavilion and we are easy to find. However, home visits can be arranged by appointment.

Tom Callaghan is our Wills, Trusts and Probate specialist. Please contact him for more information on  01273 662753 or email tcallaghan@edward-harte.co.uk

We also have a STEP member solicitor.